How to use AntiSpam

AntiSpam allows you to trace, filter out and delete spam messages coming to your mailbox.
When you enable AntiSpam for a mailbox, you can assign preferences configured for your entire mail domain or configure it individually for a specific mailbox. Depending upon your settings, messages will either be marked as spam, deleted from the system, or moved to a different account.

To enable spam protection for a mailbox:
   1. Log into your control panel at and click on the "e-mail" icon.
   2. Click on the specific email to which you wish to add AntiSpam.
   3. Just underneath the email address, put a check in the box to the right of "AntiSpam".
   4. Click the Submit button at the bottom of the form.

To configure spam protection for a specific mailbox:
   1. Enable spam protection for the mailbox.
   2. Click the Antispam icon to the right of the specific email address.  The icon looks like two envelopes being cut in half with a red "No" symbol, and will say "Click to edit AntiSpam preferences" if you hover your mouse over it.
   3. Adjust the preferences to your liking, and click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

To configure AntiSpam for a mail domain:
   1. Click the AntiSpam preferences icon in the Mail Service section on the maildomain Controls page.
   2. Adjust the preferences to your liking, and then click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.

Explanation of AntiSpam options:
Spam check level: This determines how aggressively spam will be filtered.  AntiSpam filters analyze each email message as it passes through the server, assigning points for each form of suspicious behavior.  For example, an email that contains nothing but pictures could be worth, say, .5 points, while an email that mentions herbal supplements repeatedly may be worth 2 points.  The actual values continue to be adjusted, in order to help continually improve our service.  If a message scores high enough, it will be filtered as spam, and treated appropriately.  The default value of "AntiSpam system default value" will mark anything scoring 5 points or more as spam, though you can adjust this setting to any of the following:
 - Very Aggressive: This guarantees almost anything delivered to your mailbox will be legitimate. However, as a result you may find otherwise legitimate email to be filtered as spam by mistake.  Any message scoring 2 or higher will be filtered.
 - Aggressive: Slightly more strict than the default value, but has a lower chance of false positives than Very Aggressive.  Any message scoring more than 4 will be identified as spam.
 - Normal: More lenient than the default value, this setting identifies anything scoring of 7 points as spam.
 - Relaxed: At this stage, even some forms of spam will be passed through as if they are legitimate emails.  A message must score 10 points to be identified as spam.
 - Permissive: Virtually anything will get through your spam filter; a message must score 14 points in order to be identified as spam.
Spam processing: This controls what the AntiSpam system does with a message once it decides it is spam.  By default, this is left on "Remove", which simply deletes the email, and sends a message back to the sender saying they were rejected for being spam.  You can also set this to "Mark As Spam", which will cause the message's subject line to be tagged with "*****SPAM*****", and will contain a breakdown of why that message was marked as spam.  The original message will be attached, as well.  Finally, there is the "Move To" option, which allows you to send all spam to a central location, such as
MaxScore level: This is a second layer of AntiSpam, usually reserved for cases in which a domain is receiving far too much spam.  Much like the above Spam check level, this uses a system of points to determine how likely a message is to be spam, and then flags a message if it exceeds the point limit set by the option to its right.  However, MaxScore uses a completely different set of rules, and is considered to be far more strict than the normal Spam check.  By default, this is left on "Undefined", which means to simply not uses the system.  The point values for the other settings are as follows:
 - Very Aggressive: 20
 - Aggressive: 40
 - Strict: 60
 - Moderate: 80
 - Neutral: 100
 - Permissive: 200
 - Loose: 300
 - Very Loose: 500
White list: All email addresses and/or domains on this list will be ignored by the system.  This is useful if you have regular contact with someone whose messages keep being filtered as spam.
Black list: The opposite of a white list, anyone on the black list will simply be assumed to be sending spam.  Unless a specific address or domain is causing trouble, it is generally not recommended to list either in this field.  Most spam is sent from compromised or otherwise disposable accounts, and you will seldom get spam from the same account twice.

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