File Manager Overview

Similar to Microsoft Windows Explorer in function, the File Manager Option in the Control Panel allows you to perform file management tasks such as creating files and directories, setting the read, write or execute permissions on the files and directories in your site, renaming or deleting files or directories, and changing the password for directories that are password-protected.

Navigating in File Manager

The files in your site are stored in directories. Directories can hold other sub-directories. The result is a directory structure that can have many sub-levels. Any of those directories can contain files. How you organize your directory structure is up to you.

How To Navigate in File Manager:
1. From the Control Panel, select the File Manager icon. The File Manager window will appear:
2. Once the File Manager window has opened, you will see a listing of directories and files located in your Current Directory, the path of which is displayed in the listing above.

Note: File Manager does not display hidden files (i.e., files whose names begin with a period (.), such as ".htaccess").
Note: The Permission, Delete, Rename, and Password columns will be discussed later in this manual

3. Each directory and file within the listing will appear as a hypertext link. In the image above, links appear blue and underlined. Simply click on any link to drill down into that directory. In the case of a file, clicking on its link will open the file (if it can be opened by the browser).
4.To move "back" one directory, click on the Parent Dir link.

When in a directory that has a large number of files, the files are listed alphabetically by file name. Sometimes, it is desirable to see the listing of files sorted by the time (date) of their creation or by the size of the files, from largest to smallest.

Note: The alphabetical sorting option is case-sensitive. This means that file names beginning with upper-case letters come before file names beginning with lower-case letters. The sort order is A-Z, then a-z. This means, for example, you could have a file named WORDS.TXT listed before a file named a-plus.htm.

How To Use the Listing Sort Tool

When in the File Manager screen, the Sort Tool is located at the bottom of the current file listing.

1.Click on the Sort files by: drop-down list to display a listing of sort options.
- These options are Name, Size and Time. Select the desired option.
2. Click on the Sort button. The screen reappears with the files and directories listed in the selected sort order.

Note: Once a Sort order has been specified, it will be applied to all listings for the duration of your session. To change the sort order back, repeat the process described above, and choose a different sort option.

Deleting Files and Directories

Specific files and directories can be deleted from your site using the File Manager option.
Warning: Be sure to verify that the files and directories you select for deletion are indeed ones you want to delete.

How To Delete Files and Directories:

1. From the File Manager, select the Delete link that corresponds to the file or directory you would like to delete. The Delete Confirmation page displays.

Warning: Deleting a directory automatically deletes all files and subdirectories located within it.
Note: When deleting a file, the Delete Confirmation page displays the message "Delete File: Filename?"

2. If you are sure that you want to delete the file or directory, select the Confirm button.
3. After Confirm has been selected, the File Manager reappears, open to the most recent directory.

Renaming Files and Directories
Files and directories can each be renamed using the File Manager option.

How To Rename Files and Directories:

1. From the File Manager, select the Rename link that corresponds to the file or directory you would like to rename. The Rename Confirmation page displays.
2. If you are sure that you want to rename the file or directory, type the new name in the blank field and click the Confirm button.
3. After Confirm has been selected, the File Manager reappears, open to the most recent directory.

Creating Files and Directories
Files and Directories can be created within File Manager.

How To Create a Directory in File Manager:

1. From File Manager, click on the field called Directory Name.
2. Type the name of the directory you want to create in this field. Select the Create Directory button.
3. The File Manager reappears with the newly created directory in the listing.

How To Create or Edit a File in File Manager:

1. From the File Manager, move to the field entitled File Name.
2. To edit an existing file, type the name of that file in the field shown above. To create a new file, type the new file name in the field shown above.
3. Select the Create/Edit file button. If creating a new file, the following screen appears. If working with an existing file, the file automatically opens, skipping the next step (4) in this procedure.
4. Select the Confirm button, which acknowledges that the file does not already exist and that you are creating a new file.
5. The File Manager File Screen opens. If you are creating a new file, an empty window appears. If you are editing an existing file, the file contents should display in this window.
6. Make any necessary changes or additions to the file.
7. If desired, you can change the size of the window in which the file is displayed. To do this, select a new Size or Height (or both) from their respective drop-down lists and click on the Change Size button.
8. When all changes have been made, select the Save File button to save the file. The File Manager page reappears with the newly created file (if any) displayed in the listing.

Note: If you wish to leave this screen without saving the file (or saving changes to the file), select the File Manager Main Menu link.

Uploading Files
You can upload files from your local computer to your site using File Manager.

How To Upload Files Using File Manager:

1. In File Manager, move to the field near the bottom of the page entitled Send this file.
2. If you know the full path and filename for the file you would like to upload, type it into the field and skip the next step. If you do not, select the Browse� button.
3. In the File Upload window, select the file that you would like to upload. You may have to change the Files of type field for your file to be displayed in this window. Select the file for uploading by double-clicking it or by highlighting it with a single click and selecting the Open button. The File Upload window closes and you return to the File Manager. The Send this file field now displays the full path and filename of the file you selected.

Warning: You cannot upload files larger than 10240 KB in size. This is approximately 10 Mb.

4. Select the Upload button. A new page displays informing you that the file you selected has been uploaded.
5. To return to File Manager, select the File Manager Main Menu link. To return to the main Control Panel page, select the Control Panel link located in the right corner of the top upper frame.

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